Wednesday 7 May 2008

How to use this Blog...

Obviously if you are used to blogging you won't need to read this. However, for the rest of us technical wizard Jennifer has agreed to give us instructions.

What do you need to know for starters?

You can comment on what you see/read...
To do this click on the word 'comment(s)' in the tiny writing at the bottom of each 'post' (that's an update). That will take you to a page where you can see any other comments and type a response. You will have to fill in a name (preferably one we will recognise) and prove you are human by following the instructions on the word verification.
You can then publish your comments by clicking the button that tells you to do this.
We probably won't reply directly to the comments, but if we need to we will do so in our next post.

Enlarging the pictures...
Simply click on the picture with the mouse and it will automatically open the picture.

Anything else and you are becoming an expert and don't need Jennifer any more.

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